The idea came about sometime in 2019. We would pack up our then family of four, my husband, myself, our one and three-year-old, and travel the country in a trailer.
There was only one problem neither my husband nor I had spent any time in a trailer in our adult lives.
In September 2019, we rented a trailer on Outdoorsy.
The trailer was a bit older and not well kept. There were two small bunks in the back and a Queen bed in the front. It was a bit cramped at times, and everything was almost always dirty. Somehow this slightly OCD mom loved every minute of it.

We were sold.
There was one small problem.
While tracing out a timeline to make this whole thing happen, a question popped into my head. So are we done having kids? To my surprise, my answer was almost instantly no. On the other hand, my husband was on the done having the kid’s side.
It took a bit of researching and finding a book by an economist my husband admired advocating for having more children, but he came around.
The Timeline
Now two years instead of the one year we had initially envisioned.
It was November of 2019, and the timeline went something like this.
Get pregnant sometime in the next few months.
Buy a smaller trailer of our own to try out a bit more camping locally.
While not using the trailer, rent out on Outdoorsy.
Have baby.
Buy a larger trailer to live in full-time.
Leave with now family of five sometime in the Summer of 2021 for the adventure of a lifetime.
Simple enough.
By the end of January 2020, we were pregnant and had purchased a small trailer
When it came time to buy the larger trailer, we went back and forth between what type of trailer to buy. Additionally, if we would buy new or buy used and renovate. We ended up purchasing a 2021 5th wheel toy hauler.

Our maiden voyage with the new and much larger rig (apparently what you call trailers) was in August 2021. We spent a month going to South Carolina and back to visit family.
I was terrified on the initial drive. Between the long bed dually and the length of our trailer, we are about the same size as a semi-truck. Add three kids five and under to the truck’s cab, and you have a good recipe for some severe mom anxiety.
But as it all too often goes, my worries were mostly unfounded. I am thankful to report my husband did a fantastic job driving the behemoth.
We had a lovely time visiting and getting settled into the trailer. Unfortunately, we found many things wrong with our brand new trailer. Some of them were small, some that were making the trailer uninhabitable.
Returning home to Omaha, we dropped off our rig in August 2021 and were told it would be completed by October. It was the end of March when we picked it up.
With some lingering work things to wrap up we spent this past summer living in the trailer part-time an hour south of home, antsy to hit the road.
We officially started traveling in the trailer this month. Slowly heading both North and West. Our goal is to be in California by Thanksgiving to visit family.
I will be posting about our travels along the way. It has been an adventurous and wild two weeks, and we look forward to many more!