
“The real tragedy is the tragedy of the man who never in his life braces himself for his one supreme effort-he never stretches to his full capacity, never stands up to his full stature.” 

― Arnold Bennett

This is a blog about my journey to stretch to my full capacity. And I am terrified.

Like you, I know there is more to life. And I want to be a part of that more.

This blog will explore the idea of what “more” is. Everyone’s more is different.

Some of us know what our more is.

More time to pursue a passion. More time to spend with loved ones. More time to travel. More money. More time to be still, to reflect. 

Some of us don’t know what our more is. We just know something has got to give. 

If you can relate to any of this, then you are in the right place.

I firmly believe that the first step on the path to pursuing your more is to have a firm understanding and handle on your finances.

My finances have been the source of far to much conflict and strife in my life. It has been an unwelcomed consumer of both my time and my mental bandwidth.

My first step in the pursuit of my more will be creating and posting a plan to become financially independent. I will post the plan along with updates so that you can keep me accountable.

Just become financially independent – no big deal.

Lofty. I know.

I have always been interested in personal finance. I struggled to find like-minded people or communities. I recently started diving into personal finance blogs and discovered the F.I.R.E community.

F.I.R.E stands for financially independent retire early. When I first heard this acronym, I was not all that impressed. I have never really aimed to retire early. I have always enjoyed working.

But as I dug into it, I realized that these early retirees never truly retire. They use their newfound independence to pursue their more.

This idea I can very much get on board with.

So this will be the first step on my journey.

I hope that by sharing my journey, it will inspire and help those along the way.

I also hope this blog will be a place for like-minded people to gather and exchange ideas.

I am so glad you found the blog, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Hi, I am Kristi.

I am the mother to two amazing children and wife to the best husband ever.

I am passionate about personal finance and living your best possible life.

In 2010 my husband and I relocated from Los Angeles to Omaha, Nebraska. It took our friends and family by surprise. We knew no one. We were not moving for work.

We did a lot of research. Visited a few different cities we were considering. Omaha was the winner. We knew that if we were ever going to get ahead financially, we had to move.

We have now called Omaha home for eight years. In those eight years, we have started a construction company, bought eight investment properties, renovated hundreds of homes, converted our buy, and holds to short term rentals, oh and had two children.

It has been a fantastic adventure.

When not working as a realtor, managing five Airbnb’s, doing the admin for two businesses, managing a home, taking care of two humans under the age of three, or writing a blog….

I enjoy reading, learning, and traveling. Any day spent with my husband and our two children is the best day of my life.