Five Friday Finds

Any plans for the weekend? We are laying low and enjoying a slow weekend. We will probably take the kids to the Durham Museum. I am excited to see this exhibit.

Thanksgiving is around the corner! I know I should post something about how to budget when cooking a feast… but instead lets all drool over this Bon Appetit spread.

The 10 things holding you back from financial independence

Great article!

“Looking poor” is the superpower that makes financial independence possible for those with middle-class incomes.

So well said. I struggle with this at times. It is easier said than done.

50 Things Everyone Should Know About Their Home

Wow, this is a very comprehensive list. My husband is a contractor, and I am not sure he knows all of these. Still not a bad idea to familiarize yourself with all aspects of your home.

Regular maintenance of these items can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Small Kindnesses

My 17-year-old SUV broke down this morning in the middle of a busy intersection. It was completely dead, and I was blocking three lanes of traffic with my two young children in the car.

A woman stopped and pushed me out of the fray. I was nearly in tears and beyond grateful. Little things go a long way.

Alternative Family

This family of six sold their 2700 sq ft home and travel the country in a 37 ft trailer.

It is often easy to talk about living abroad or selling your home and traveling the country with your family; it is intimidating to make the jump and do it. Way to go guys!

Have a lovely weekend!