Five Fun Friday Finds

What are you up to this weekend? We do not have much planned, which is always nice. I tend to over plan and keep the calendar booked. I am working on breaking myself of this habit. There are always things to do; sometimes, you need to slow down and be present, which is easier said than done.

I purchased this book.

I am excited to plow through it this weekend. I started the first few chapters last night. Kristy Shen is a very engaging and funny writer.

Have you seen this, have you heard about this? So cool! I am hoping to attend.

One of the many fun byproducts of pursuing financial independence is that it naturally lends itself to minimalism. These master bedrooms prove less is more.

Love this.

The Knorpp’s travel the world with their nine children. Yes, I said nine children. They are impressive humans. This is a tour of the RV they lived in with their nine children. It is insanely, tidy, and calm.

Hope you have a lovely and relaxing weekend.