Growing up, my family was pretty poor. My parents worked hard, but money was always tight, and finances were always a point of contention. They tried their best, given their circumstances.
I never really had a role model financially. Like many people, I worked hard, and I spent every dollar I made. Quickly.
As I got older, my spending habits changed. Try as I might it was not until I discovered F.I.R.E that I started seeing the potential for what you could accomplish financially if you were deliberate and focused.
Paula Pant is a role model for me. She is the first person I heard emphasizing the why, more than the how of personal finance. It is so true. If you do not know your why the how will often not matter.
“You can afford anything… But not everything”
I love this. Figure out what you value most. Put all of your financial resources towards that thing. It is as easy as that.
It is, of course, always harder than it sounds. It makes for a great starting point. A way to boil down what you should be prioritizing.
If you could put all or your financial resources towards just one goal, what would it be?
Mine is to spend as much time with my family as possible. It is what drives all of my decisions large and small.

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels
Once you have that one thing, it acts as a roadmap, guiding you towards your goal.
Will this decision bring me closer, even if incrementally, to my goal? If not, then the answer is no.
As always, I would love to hear from you. Do you know your one thing? What drives your financial decisions?
Photo by from Pexels